Friday, 4 October 2013

The Craig Piano Co. Montreal, Quebec

The Craig Piano Co. 1856-1930

Pianos of the highest grade.  Sold by all leading dealers throughout the Dominion of Canada and elsewhere.
The Craig Piano Co.
About 1910. Mile End, Montreal, QC 
 MP-0000.816.7 | Craig Piano Factory, Mile End, Montreal, QC, about 1910 | Print |  |  |

The Craig Piano Company, 1856-1930,  Montreal, Quebec, was preceded by;
Labelle & Craig Pianofortes, 1854-1857. 

Founders of Labelle & Craig Pianofortes were, 
Jean Baptiste Labelle, organist, pianist, composer, conductor,  born Burlington Vt., of Canadian parents September 1825.  Notable among his songs were "O Canada! Mon pays! Mes amours!" and "Avant tout je suis Canadien".  and by
James Peter Craig, cabinetmaker, born St. Mathias de Rouville, Quebec,  July 1826.   
The Craig Piano Co., 1856-1930
It is difficult to know which Craig was the founder of the Craig Piano Co., James Craig born 1799 in St. Mathias de Rouville, or his son James Peter Craig (Jacque Pierre) b. 1826.  According to census records and Lovell's City Directory Montreal both father and son were cabinetmakers and or piano manufacturers.

Interesting to note that James Craig show up in Lovell's City Directory Montreal as early as 1844-45, where he is a cabinetmaker.  He is also at the company until 1887-1888.
James Peter Craig was the proprietor of the company from 1856 until his death in 1873.  Through the years James Peter, his father James, and a half brother Joseph Ambroise Isaie Craig b. 1836  were all involved with the company.  Although (J.A.I.) Joseph Ambroise Isaie Craig did go his own way in the early 1870s.

122 St. Lawrence
Charles James Craig, one of James Peter's sons began working at the company around the time his father died.  According to Lovell's City Directory Montreal, Charles James first shows up in 1873-74.  He is there until 1881, when he lives the province.  It does not appear that  another of James Peter's sons,  Napoleon, ever worked at the Craig Piano Co.  according to census records, etc., he was  a salesman in Montreal.
1904: J. Oscar Craig born 1872, son of J.A.I. Craig, appears as the proprietor of the company until 1930 when the company is sold.  Although he may have been involved with the company earlier he also worked with his father J.A.I. Craig at his furniture factory on St. Bonaventure. 
Manufacturers of
Upright, Grand, Reproducing
Player Pianos
Phone St. Louis 1161
J. Oscar Craig, Prop.
Res. 495 Champagneur

 Tel. Atlantic 0493
1904:  A new factory is erected on St. Dominque, Lauretta Sts., & Casgrain Ave. in Montreal.

1930:  The Craig Piano Company is taken over by Lesage, Damase (baptized Damas Hardy) piano manufacturer, b. 1849 Sainte-Therese de Blainville, Quebec, founder of The Canadian Piano Manufacturing Firm.

Note:  The Craig family were all descendants of  my great x 4 grandparents,  Marie Rose Nadeau and Andrew Craig of St. Mathias de Rouville, Quebec.

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